Updates Eternal Networks DarkRP v2.0
Hello everyone!
This week’s update brings a new money making job. The... Read more
By ✪ laugH
Updates Eternal Networks DarkRP v1.9
Hello everyone!
This week’s update brings the 🎄 Christmas Update! I'm... Read more
By ✪ laugH
Updates Eternal Networks DarkRP v1.8
This week’s update introduces exciting changes and improvements, including b... Read more
By ✪ laugH
Updates Eternal Networks DarkRP v1.7
This week’s update brings exciting changes, including a new PVP Event, Event... Read more
By ✪ laugH
Updates Eternal Networks DarkRP v1.6
This week’s update brings some buffs and nerfs to various content, along w... Read more
By ✪ laugH
1. Read job descriptions
Job descriptions provide individual rules for each job.
2. Do not RDM
"Random Deathmatch"
Randomly damaging or killing people without rp or avalid reason.
3. Do not RDA
"Random Arrest"
Randomly arresting players without rp or a valid reason.
Randomly stunning a player with the stun gun is also considered RDA.
4. Do not LTARP or LTAP
Leaving to avoid an RP situation such as a raid/mug/kidnap.
Leaving to avoid punishment.
Leaving before a staff sit is over, is an admission of guilt, and punishment will be given.
5. Do not FDA or WDA
Do not open fading doors with key binds or buttons to damage players or cancel a lockpick/keypad crack during a raid.
Do not spam the world doors during a raid to prevent raiders from entering a base.
6. Do not FailRP
Failing to act in the realistic realm of your job.
7. Do not Prop Abuse
Abusing your props by spamming, blocking, killing, surfing, or pushing.
8. Do not NLR
"New Life Rule"
If you have died due to a valid RP reason you may not return to that area for 3 mins.
You may not return to your base after dying in a raid until the raid is finished.
9. Do not Minge
Trolling or being ignorant of the rules, and/or annoying to a point where it affects RP.
10. Do not Exploit
Finding an exploit or bug is one thing, abusing it for your own gain will not be tolerated.
11. Do not Hack
Hacking of any kind will result in a ban.
12. Do not Threaten Players or the Server
Any threats to Dox, DOS, DDOS, or any other form of threat will result in a ban.
Telling players to kill themselves or any form of harsh harassment.
13. Do not Impersonate Staff
Impersonating staff will result in a ban.
14. Do not Disrespect or Disobey staff
Regardless of the situation if you disagree or not staff word is final, if you feel something was wrong to record the sit and report it on the discord.
15. Do not make False Sits
Do not make a sit on a player for something he didn't do.
16. Do not Advertise
.TTV or .YT names are OK
Advertising of any other form will not be tolerated.
17. Do not Scam
Example: Taking money for a shipment and not giving the player his shipment.
18. Abusing Crossfire
Crossfire is ONLY to be used when you are in the middle of adverted roleplay such as a raid, mug, etc.
Crossfire MUST be called in "/advert cross or crossfire" or it will be considered RDM, any usable of cross to be abusive may result and yourself getting banned.
19. Use Common Sense, Do not Loophole
Attempting to exploit rules for personal gain or to escape consequences may lead to warnings or a harsher penalty.
20. Do not target players
Example: (Staffs discretion) Constantly raiding someone because they are a girl. Bullying someone not as advanced as you, ex: multiple hrs on end raiding/kidnapping/mugging them is forbidden.
21. RWT
Eternal Networks is not responsible for ingame items or ingame money for real-life currency, however whatever occurs with your owned items is up to you discretion. You worked and earned them :P If you are caught scamming, you will be permanently banned!
1. Sky bases, Roof bases, mega bases, tunnel bases, maze bases, and ocean bases are allowed. Please read the specific building rules for each base type for more details!
2. All bases must have a clear and visible entrance. Fake entrances are not allowed! Your base must have at least one accessible entrance.
3. Blackout/Invisible bases are not allowed, the floor, roof, walls, and entrance doors must all be different colors.
4. You cannot build behind a purchased world door that you do not own!
5. You cannot build your base on a road, pathway, or in any safe or kos zones!
6. Your base may not have more than 3 turns.
7. Your base entrance(s) may not have more than 3 fading doors total.
8. There is no time limit for building signs and you may have a kos sign with your building sign.
9. If you have a building sign up you may NOT have any entities inside your base, if you do you are raidable.
10. Your entrance may not be "Pixel Perfect". (You don't have to look in a certain spot to fit through)
11. You may not use reverse fading doors in your base entrance.
12. Fading door entrances cannot be a group of thin props in a line, as this would make it impossible to lockpick and enter.
13. You may not add a delay to your keypads.
14. You may not use misleading Keypads or hide them.
15. Straight-aways can only be as long as two fenceo3a props.
16. You may extend a straightaway in your base by a maximum distance of two fence03a props. If you can stand at the end of the extension and clearly see through to the other end of the straightaway, the angle is below 15 degrees and not allowed.
17. Your base may use up to 5 shooting windows, you may not use them for entrances.
18. Shooting windows must allow attackers to see defenders from the chest up. Any cover props placed in front of you cannot be higher than a plate1x1.
19. Your shooting windows must be at the same level as you and cannot be positioned above or below you.
20. Shooting windows must change material when it opens. (Prop material and fading door material must be different).
21. You may only open shooting windows by using a button.
22. You may not have the button to open your peeks further than a fenceo3a props distance from the peeks.
23. You may only make peeks using buttons, all other versions of peeks such as ramp peeks, jump peeks, and more are not allowed.
24. Dividers between peeks must be a solid material that cannot be seen through by attackers. (This includes moving materials and transparent or changing opacity via color tool).
25. World Glow is allowed.
26. Transparent props cannot be below 30 and cannot be higher than 40 opacity.
27. No flashing colors/render fx/moving materials for the props in the entrance of your base or pathway in your base.
28. Using world objects or props to obstruct visibility for attackers is not allowed.
29. You may not block or use the maps elevators for your base.
30. You may not use props, entities, or text signs that block sniper view or bullets.
31. You may not stack props over a peek to make it harder to see defenders.
32. If you build your base in a dark area, you must place a light behind you to ensure your visibility. (Maximum rope length: 5, Minimum brightness: 5, Minimum radius: 500, Color values must be above: (50, 50, 50))
33. You may use one lamp per base to blind attackers. It must be placed behind you and cannot be used to block bullets. (Maximum FOV: 90, Maximum distance: 500, Maximum brightness: 1)
34. The use of no collide is not allowed when entering or exiting a base.
35. You may not have anything that forces a player to jump or crouch, or that affect their movement speed while entering a base.
36. Tunnel bases cannot block the entire tunnel; players must still be able to pass through at least one side. This rule does not apply if the tunnel is at the end of the map or if it is thin enough to only allow one person through.
37. Lobbies: A Lobby before a base is an open area so players do not have to start their base at a world door. For a lobby to be legal, it cannot hinder attackers' ability to move freely and see the 1st peek. In lobbies, attackers must have 2 word walls around them, be able to strafe left and right while shooting front peek, and the lobby must be as big as a 4x8 plate.
1. You may only have 1 base active at a time.
2. You may only have 5 players basing with you at any given time.
3. You may not use explosive weapons/explosive alt fires for defense.
4. 2 Buttons may not open the same peek, Each peek can fade a maximum of 2 prop with the total amount of buttons in one base being 5.
5. It must be possible for the attackers to see the shooting window open and fight back.
6. Inflicting damage by shooting through props or using a one way is NOT allowed.
7. You are allowed to move while peeks are open, but you must stay at your peek and remain in the attacker's line of sight until the peek closes.
8. Staying crouched during an open peek is not allowed!
9. You are allowed to exit peek (Shooting down a corridor without a shooting window).
11. You cannot use no collide to run in and out of a peek to avoid taking damage.
10. You may only enter and exit your base using the keypads. You may use no collide only if no one is raiding you, and if it's not abusive.
12. You may use garage doors as an additional entrance to your base; however, they cannot be spammed closed to block returning raiders.
13. You may not spam entities around your base to block entrances/walls for Emps.
14. Do not self destroy entities ex: printers/crypto machines/ect to avoid them getting raided.
15. Printer rooms and Prisoner Rooms must have a keypad to get into them.
1. Sky bases follow the general building and basing rules but have additional specific rules of their own!
2. A sky base is defined as a base that has been elevated above the world's ground.
3. You cannot build a sky base inside of a building.
4. A sky base may lead to a roof base.
5. Your base can be as high as the skybox of the map allows, and the ceiling of your base can be the skybox or props.
6. You cannot block access to any part of the map, including roads, even if your base is built over them.
7. You may build a flat floor and walls in your sky base to maneuver around.
8. You may extend a protection layer of props below, above, and on the sides of your base a maximum distance of half a fence03a prop away from your base to protect yourself from explosive damage.
9. You may use a ramp or gear teeth props as your front base entrance.
10. Your front base entrance and ramps do not count towards your limit of 3 turns in your base design.
11. Your front base entrance ramp cannot exceed 45 degrees or have more than 1 turn.
12. Each front base entrance ramp cannot be longer than two fenceo3a props.
13. If you use gear teeth as your front base entrance, it must be straight with no turns allowed.
14. If you use a ramp or gear teeth as your front base entrance, it cannot be made of thin plates or props.
15. Your front base entrance ramp or gear teeth can have no walls or railings.
16. Once the ramp or gear teeth entrance ends, the rest of your base may use thin plates or props for flooring, but it must have railings or walls to prevent attackers from falling off.
17. Once the ramp or gear teeth entrance ends, it must lead to a flat area.
18. You may start your first fading door where your front base entrance ends, and it must be a flat area.
19. You can shoot attackers on your base entrance ramps or gear teeth props.
1. Ocean bases follow the general building and basing rules but have additional specific rules of their own!
2. You may build your ocean base on the water line!
3. If your ocean base is elevated above the waterline, you can follow sky base rules aswell!
4. If you build your ocean base below the water line, your base will be classified as an underwater ocean base!
5. Underwater ocean bases are limited to a maximum of 2 turns in their design!
6. Underwater ocean bases must have a flat base for attackers to stand on!
7. Underwater ocean bases entrance(s) must have a ceiling to prevent attackers from floating upwards!
8. Underwater ocean bases may extend a protection layer of props below, above, and on the sides of your base a maximum distance of half a fence03a prop away from your base to protect yourself from explosive damage.
9. Defenders of underwater ocean bases may only shoot attackers that are inside their base entrance(s). Shooting attackers that are swimming down or navigating towards your base is not allowed!
1. If you are advertising an RP event, it must be clearly stated in your advert. After each RP event, you must advertise over.
2. You cannot have multiple events in one bind. (Ex: Raid/Mug/Assist)
3. You can have multi binds such as Raid/Assist but not Raid/Assist/Mug etc.
4. In order to raid the police department/bank, you must use "PD Raid", "PD Assist", "Bank Raid", or "Bank Raid Assist".
5. When warning a player it must be for a valid reason (Can not kos someone standing outside of you base after warning them to leave).
6. Warning a player must be adverted along the lines of "/advert warn" and a warn could be ex: Mic spamming in your gun shop, blocking machines in a casino, someone sneaking into your base and not leaving, ect.
7. Adverts may not be black, white, or dark grey.
8. No faking adverts in OOC to get people to break the rules.
9. Adverts may not flash black, white, or dark grey.
1. You may not begin raiding until you have advertised "Raid" or "Raid Assist".
2. Do not raid a base with a building sign, unless evidence of raidable entities in the base present.
3. Raiding can last up to 15 mins; you may not camp inside just to reach the max raiding time.
4. You must wait for 30 mins before raiding the SAME person.
5. Bank raids and PD raids must be properly labeled as "Bank Raid" and "PD Raid".
6. Using a player's keypad code to raid is allowed. Their fault for showing it/having a easy password.
7. You may advertise "Party Raid" if you are in a !party so other members wont have to advert.
8. You must actively participate in the raid.
9. You may spam shoot through shootable props during the raid if the base your raiding has flaws present.
10. You may raid a base to kill the base owner even if you find out they do not have any raidable entities, however it must not be intended.
11. You may blindfire with an explosive weapon at the player's props. (Not through world walls or floors)
12. You may not activate camo in someone's base to camp to later raid their entities.
13. You must be outside a base or at their front entrance before advertising a raid.
14. Switching jobs Mid Raid to gain an advantage ex: swapping to another job to gain more emps is NOT allowed.
1. In order to mug, you must advertise "Mug" followed by the amount you want to be dropped. (Max is $50,000)
2. The victim must know 100% that he/she/them is being mugged; make sure the player is aware/looking at you.
3. The victim has 20 seconds to respond, if they try to leave then you may intervene.
4. Mugs can have special commands like "KOS if running away" or "KOS if you ask for help," but they must be included in the advert.
5. You must wait 30 minutes before you can mug the SAME person again.
6. You must wait 15 minutes before you can mug ANYONE again.
7. You may not kill the player being mugged if they give you the correct amount of money.
8. You cannot mug anyone if they have weapons out. (FailRP)
9. You may not mug hobos/pet/government/citizens.
10. You may kill the player being mugged if they give you an incorrect amount of money less than $25,000.
11. You may not mug players at level 15 or below.
1. Kidnappings must be adverted.
2. There is no cooldown between each kidnapping.
3. You cannot kidnap the same person again for 30 minutes.
4. If you attempted a kidnapping on a player and you over/false the cooldown for that player is still 30 mins.
5. You may not hold the kidnapped person for over 10 minutes.
6. You may not kidnap someone with a gun out, otherwise, this is classed as FailRP.
7. You may only charge a max of $100,000 for release of a prisoner; this includes the cost of all keypads required to buy to leave the base.
1. You must advert steal.
2. You may/can steal any entity.
3. There is 15 minute cooldown for stealing. 30 minute for that SAME person
4. If the victim fights back you can kill them only if they damage you first/take a weapon out towards you intending to kill you.
5. You may KOS anyone who is stealing your stuff.
6. You can't advert steal for any entities inside a base; you must call raid.
7. You must be on a Job that can raid to steal! You can also steal trashman payouts, meth, weed and weapon shipments.
1. You may only interfere with an RP event that is taking place against a member of your faction or memeber in your !party. (Excluding Bank/PD Raids)
2. This would include Kidnapping, Raiding, Stealings, and Muggings.
3. There is no cooldown to counter.
4. You don't have to advert to counter. If you audibly say faction defense prior to kos that person. (Read Faction Rules)
1. Use common sense when making a KOS line.
2. KOS lines may not exceed half a fenceo3a/sidwalk to your base.
3. KOS lines must be COMPLETELY visible.
4. If a player has stepped into your KOS line and walks out you cannot chase them down to KOS them.
4. You may not have a KOS line at a gate entrance that shares same entrance to multiple properties.
1. You may counter things that happen to your faction members without advertising.
2. You may not counter things that you didn't see happen, Discord or other comms don't count.
3. Your faction name may not be anything racist or offensive.
4. You may advertise that your faction is recruiting etc. Do not spam OOC chat!
5. You may annouce /advert Faction Wars, your war may only last 30 minutes with cooldown of 24hrs. Both Faction leaders must agree for the war to start. You must keep the war in unpopulated zone, ex: Suburbia gang houses.
6. You may not raid a base immediately before or after your faction nuke goes off.
7. You may not raid a base or nuke your faction member is defending.
8. Faction baiting isn't allowed.
9. Sister Factions: Only one faction per team, any faction found to be a sister or linked directly to another faction will be disbanded.
10. You may not steal another faction's name/tag and hold it for ransom as an empty faction.
1. Gang wars/conflicts are allowed but limited to the designated gang jobs Cripz, Bloods, Groove.
2. Gang wars/conflicts are allowed but limited to the Suburbia gang neighborhood area.
3. Opposing gangs are KOS and are not limited to any time frame.
4. KOS of other gang members is allowed but must be controlled and not affect other players not involved ex: entering a gun shop and having a shootout killing civilians, ect.
5. You may not KOS camp other gangs' spawns.
6. Gang members may KOS Government jobs if in a RP sencerio or if they are being pursued for arrest while wanted.
1. These rules only apply if you are a government job.
2. You may base in the Police Department.
2. You may create a home base, but not at a property that requires renting or owning.
3. You may own illegal entities, ex: Money Printers in your home base.
4. You must follow the laws of the mayor. The only exception to this if the law is against the rules.
5. The front doors of the PD/Bank are allowed to be locked unless there is a ongoing PD Raid you may NOT spam lock the front doors.
6. You may NOT break NLR during PD Raids and Bank Raids, 5 minutes before returning.
7. It is AOS past the second door of the PD/Bank, but you may add KOS as well in the laws or a text screen with a line.
8. You may be corrupt but can be demoted because of it.
1. You may create laws that contradict with the default laws ex: drugs are legal, money printers are legal ect.
2. You may create corrupt laws however you can be demoted because of it.
3. You may create laws to target a specific job in a negative manner, However only one targeted job is allowed and the punishment can only be AOS (e.g., meth cook are AOS, etc.).
4. You may create laws to target player's movement. However the punishment can only be AOS (e.g., crouching, running, jumping AOS).
5. Laws that fall under breaking server rules are NOT allowed (e.g., Propblock, Racism, harassment AOS/KOS, etc.).
6. You may create laws that restrict a player's gameplay (e.g., Jaywalking, Running Red lights, etc.).
7. You may create laws that restrict a player's from having a gun out in public, punishment AOS.
8. Staff members reserve the right to deny laws that are not be explicitly said in the rules.
1. Hitman Rules
You’re not allowed to ask someone if they can put a hit on a specific player.
You're not allowed to raid unless you are a hitman class that can.
You're not allowed to kill your hit if the person is building.
You're not allowed to assist a hitman or revenge their death.
2. Troll Rules
You may not bait PVP; if you punch someone, you cannot pull out a weapon to defend yourself, you may only use your fist.
Faction defense/counter doesn't apply to people using these jobs.
You may not attack players that are attacking a nuke.
3. Sewer Monster Rules
You may not attack players that are attacking a nuke.
You may KOS anyone besides other sewer monsters while in the sewers.
You are KOS to anyone besides sewer monsters while in the sewers.
4. Hobo Rules
- Hobos cannot build walls/structures that block people from going places or charge them to go through.
5. Cat/Dog Rules
- As a cat/dog, you aren't allowed to use any weapons aside from your cat/dog swep.
5. Top G Rules
- You may not base/raid in a !party as a Top G you're on your own.
1. Nuke Defending Rules
Government Jobs may participate in defending a nuke however they must arm the nuke in the Police Department only with participating Government Jobs.
Once a nuke is activated, only the players inside the base when the nuke was activated can defend it; no one else may join the defenders mid-nuke.
You may not defend your nuke from outside of your base.
If you are a defender and die during a nuke, you may not come back to the base until the nuke is over.
You may not self-defuse if it is not for official reasons (i.e., the base has been deemed fail by a staff member or if the nuke is glitched).
You may only have up to 5 people (You + 4 more) defending a nuke.
Of 5 people you may create a !party that will automatically share the profits if sucesssfully defended (You + 4 more) defending a nuke.
2. Nuke Attacking Rules
You may only attempt to defuse the nuke if you are a "Raiding" or "Government Job".
Government Jobs may participate in attacking to defuse the nuke however they are not allowed to arrest players attacking the nuke.
Government Jobs may not sit back and watch just to auto want players attacking the nuke to later arrest.
If you die while attacking the nuke, you may continue to come back with no NLR until the nuke is over.
If you kill/damage a player that is not a part of the base with the nuke, it may be considered RDM.
Create a !party with others to avoid RDM, in a party friendly fire is disabled and you will automatically split the profits if the bomb is defused in a party!
You may only blindfire with an explosive weapon at the player's props or base's doors (Not through world walls or floors or ceilings).
You may not use active camo to hide inside a player's base to later defuse a armed nuke.
Of 5 people you may create a !party that will automatically share the profits if sucesssfully defuse the Nuke. (You + 4 more) attacking a nuke.
3. Additional Nuke Rules
You may not start multiple nukes at once, or start another nuke when a nuke is active.
No job that is allowed to RDM as part of their job role is allowed to interfere with or attack/damage those attacking the nuke.
You may not obstruct the nuke with props or entities.
Attackers must have a direct open path that is unobstructed to both the Nuke screen and to the defuse interface (i.e., No forcing them to look from only 1 side, at a certain angle, or forcing them to jump over to get to the Nuke, etc.).
You may not start a Nuke in a unobtainable defuse area.
Only classes specified in their job description may start a nuke.
1. When someone/you are in a sit, RP doesn't apply.
2. If you have a hit on a player, you may not kill the player if they are in a sit.
3. LTAP or running away from the sit will only increase your punishment.
4. Trash talking in OOC to staff will only increase your punishment.
5. Do not complain over a staff decision; if you feel it was wrong, report it to the discord.
1. Stream sniping is against the rules if it can be accurately determined that a person is stream sniping.
2. Any type of targeted harassment against streamers to either ruin their stream or attempt to get them banned will result in a ban.
3. Metagaming because of a stream is against the rules and will result in a ban.
1. Government jobs cannot AOS anyone in the KOS zone.
1. English is the primary language for Eternal Networks and should be used in Adverts. In other situations, you are welcome to use any language, provided it adheres to the established rules.
2. Refrain from spamming in OOC, Adverts, Local Chat, or Voice Chat.
3. Promotion of other game server communities is not allowed.
4. Using language that targets other players or can be perceived as racist, sexual, or hate speech is strictly prohibited.
5. Toxicity of any kind in OOC, Adverts, or any public chat announcement is strictly prohibited.